Most everyone has a cell phone these days. Chances are that if they do, they know what text messaging (SMS) is. It is widely accepted that texting is a great way to communicate with others. It’s cheaper than talking on the phone, less of a disruption or inconvenience, and most would argue that it’s probably easier than calling someone. Text messaging receives issue when paired with doing other things – driving being the most prominent and controversial to date. Ever since texting became popular in the early 2000’s, research has been conducted on the dangers of doing so and whether or not it impairs the operator of the vehicle. Each study performed has been relatively constant and unwavering, yielding the same results as each of its predecessors; the only difference being the ever-increasing number of injuries and fatalities due to texting-related accidents. The statistics are there and support the idea that cell phone usage while driving should be made illegal.
1. Various studies have shown that texting and driving is more impairing than being illegally intoxicated.
2. For every 6 seconds of drive time, a driver sending or receiving a text message spends about 4.6 of those seconds with their eyes OFF the road; making texting the most distracting of cell phone related tasks.
3. As much as 81% of American drivers admit to using their cell phone while behind the wheel of a car.
wow, those statistics are shocking. I like the topic you choose for your essay.